Friday, October 18, 2013

[Syhunt Sandcat Browser v4.1] A Penetration-oriented browser (extented to Web Application Assessment)

Sandcat Browser 4 brings unique features that are useful for pen-testers and web developers. Sandcat is built on top of Chromium, the same engine that powers the Google Chrome browser, and uses the Lua programming language to provide extensions and scripting support.


  • Live HTTP Headers — built-in live headers with a dedicated cache per tab and support for preview extensions
  • Sandcat Console — an extensible command line console; Allows you to easily run custom commands and scripts in a loaded page
  • Resources tab — allows you to view the page resources, such as JavaScript files and other web files.
  • Page Menu extensions — allows you to view details about a page and more.
  • Pen-Tester Tools — Sandcat comes with a multitude of pen-test oriented extensions. This includes a Fuzzer, a Script Runner, HTTP & XHR Editors, Request Loader, Request Replay capabilities and more.

Pentesting tools

  • Cookies and Cache Viewers
  • JavaScript Executor extension — allows you to load and run external JavaScript files
  • Lua Executor extension — allows you to load and run external Lua scripts
  • Page Menu extensions — allows you to view the page headers, cookies, whois information and more
  • Request Editor extension with request loading capabilities
  • Request Editor (Low-Level version)
  • Request Viewer — allows you to view details about a request or replay a request.
  • Ruby Console extension
  • Sandcat Tasks (Extensions that run as isolated processes):
    • Fuzzer extensions with multiple modes and support for filters
    • CGI Scanner extension
    • HTTP Brute Force
  • Script Runner extension — can execute scripts in a variety of languages
  • Tor Button extension — Anonymity for standard browsing
  • XHR Editor
  • Various Encoders/Decoders, new Sandcat Console commands, security related search engine options, and more
Web application hacking is based on QuickInject
QuickInject is an extensive toolkit for manual web application security assessment. QuickInject allows to tailor injection requests that you can send or load using Sandcat, and can be used for performing a number of different operations, such as URL and POST Data Manipulation, Filter Evasion, as well as Referer and User-Agent Spoofing, and HTTP Header Manipulation. In addition to the capability to build requests, QuickInject can also be used to execute JavaScript in a loaded page. The first release of QuickInject is focused on File Inclusion, XSS and SQL Injection and comes with the following options:
  • SQL Injection functions
    • Filter Evasion – Database-Specific String Escape (CHAR & CHR). Conversion of strings to quoted strings, conversion of spaces to comment tags or new lines
    • Filter Evasion (MySQL-Specific) – String Concatenation, Percent Obfuscation & Integer Representation (eg: ’26′ becomes ‘ceil(pi()*pi())*(!!!pi()+true)+ceil(@@version)’, a technique presented by Johannes Dahse).
    • UNION Statement Maker
    • Quick insertion of common injections covering DB2, Informix, Ingres, MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle & PostgreSQL
  • File Inclusion functions
    • One-Click Log Poisoning
    • Quick Shell Upload code generator
    • PHP String Escape (chr)
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) functions
    • Filter Evasion – JavaScript String Escape (String.fromCharCode), CSS Escape
    • Various handy alert statements for testing for XSS vulnerabilities.
  • Hash functions
    • MD5 Hash Crackers – Built-in (offline) and online MD5 hash crackers
    • Hash Generators – MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2 (224, 256, 384 & 512), GOST, HAVAL (various), MD2, MD4, RIPEMD (128, 160, 256 & 320), Salsa10, Salsa20, Snefru (128 & 256), Tiger (various) & WHIRLPOOL
  • Encoders/Decoders
    • URL Encoder/Decoder
    • Hex Encoder/Decoder – Converts a string or integer to hexadecimal or vice-versa (multiple output formats supported).
    • Base64 Encoder/Decoder
    • CharCode Converter – Converts a string to charcodes (eg: ‘abc’ becomes ’97,98,99′) or vice-versa.
    • IP Obfuscator – Converts an IP to dword, hex or octal.
    • JavaScript Encoders – Such as JJEncode by Yosuke HASEGAWA
  • HTML functions
    • HTML Escape/Unescape
    • HTML Entity Encoder/Decoder – Decimal and hexadecimal HTML entity encoders & decoders
    • JavaScript String Escape
  • Text Manipulation functions – Uppercase, Lowercase, Swap Case, Title Case, Reverse, Shuffle, Strip Slashes, Strip Spaces, Add Slashes, Char Separator
  • Time-Based Blind Injection code – Covering MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Server-Side JavaScript & MongoDB
  • CRC Calculators – CRC16, CRC32, CRC32b, and more.
  • Classical Ciphers – ROT13 & ROT[N]
  • Checksum Calculators – Adler-32 & Fletcher
  • Buffer Overflow String Creator
  • Random String & Number Generation functions
  • URL Splitter
  • Useful Strings – Math, character sets and more.