Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Facebook ID Can Be Hack by Stealing Security Question - Answer

 Hello Hax0rs after a long time, I posted trick on Hacking and Stealing. Today's post is about Facebook "Security Question"  Answer Stealing, I mean, This post gonna show you how to steal victims Security Question - Answer and Hack victims Facebook ID. Basically here I'll use SET and Phishing attack fully 100% FUD (Fully Un-Detectable).

Requirements :
  • Victim Profile Link or Username.
  • G-mail or Yahoo Fake ID as same as victim's real Info. 
  • Victim Security Question.
  • Little bit Knowledge of SET to make victim fool.
  • Must Know Phishing Attacks and Stealing Password
  • FB Security Answer Stealer Phishing Page. [Download]
Find out Victim FB Profile Link
  • Open your FB Home page Click Here
  • Search your victim name in search Box and copy Link (I Took mine one friend ID for Example to Show this Tutorial as you can see in Image)
  • Copy this Address link from Profile.
Click on below Image to Enlarge it

Find out Victim's Security Question
  • Log out your Session or any other FB ID running.
  • Go to FB Account Recovery Page.
  • Paste Victim's profile link and click on search

    Click on below Image to Enlarge it

  • Here, we got victim's ID, now click on [This is my Account]

    Click on below Image to Enlarge it

  • After you will be redirected to victim A/c Recovery page.
  • Click on [No longer have access to these]

    Click on below Image to Enlarge it
  • Now, here use your Fake G-mail or Yahoo ID and Click on Continue.

    Click on below Image to Enlarge it

  • After all, We found Security Question just memorize question and close your Browser.

    Click on Image to Enlarge it

  • Click here to learn SET attcks and Making Victim fool
  • Download Phishing Page from here.
Editing html file to Change security question
  • Extract all files on Desktop, and Open Verification.html in  Notepad and Hit Ctrl+F and search for "ADD YOUR QUESTION HERE" and replace this line with victim's Security Question for Eg. In What City or town your Mother was born.
  • Now, Save it and Compress it using Winrar in .zip format.
  • Create new Account on 000webhost and Get your free Domain and upload your all Phishing files to server.
Using SET attacks to make Victim Fool.

Make your Victim fool or delude him using SET tricks. Look at below Image.

Stealing Process and Get FB Sec Answer
When your Victim will go on your Phished Page he will see something looks like this.
Click on Image to Enlarge it

And when your Victim will Enter his or her Security Question - Answer and clicks on Continue, The Answer Provided by him will be stored in log.txt file on your Phishing server. Download it and Open it.

✔ That's it, Now after all next step you know what to do, just again go to that recovery page and change E-mail and Password, this also can be used to hack Facebook Accounts.

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